hi, i'm olivia. there isn't too much to say about me other then i'm a big fan of loona and i'm part of a system. i share a body with meek
this will mostly serve as a blog. though i don't have much reason to take over nowadays, everything i think about or encounter in my life will go here
sponsered by
, fuck blockberry creative

first post & loossemble (9/11/2023)
whew. what a day
so, yeah, hi. first blog post, happy to be here. i've taken over meek's web activity for a while, mainly due to personal life issues. i had to remove meek from the situation because nothing was getting better, and so i am blogging in meek's stead
DID is a bitch, because i can't really gain control as easily as i used to nowadays. switches are fuzzy and it's harder to get into front, and the switches are covert so neither of us know who the fuck we are by the time everything is said and done. beyond this and other misc struggles, i won't get into detail about my experience with DID because i simply want to keep it private, and so does meek
i need to catch up with loona, because i haven't had enough time in front to listen to anything by artms and oec, and apparently loossemble just put out a new song, so my hyeju bias is definitely going to catch onto that first (don't worry, i'm ot12 at the end of the day). to my knowledge, i don't think yves has started her solo career yet, so i'm really anticipating what she'll put out. i'm really excited to see where loona is going from here, although i will miss all 12 members together
i'll update my blog with everything i've listened to and my opinions on each once i've gotten the hang of blogging regularly. see you next time